Liberia has a population of approximately 3.5 million people and 4.5 million hectares of lowland tropical forests—one of the largest contiguous forest blocks that remains in West Africa. Liberia’s forests are also widely recognized as a global hotspot of diversity. The video and photos below highlight efforts to protect those forest while at the same time giving the local communities ownership and options to sustainably manage their resources.
Client: Pact
Fostering alternative livelihoods to help save forests.
This video includes content from previous trip to Cambodia)
A village in Liberia. The community organized to gain community forest status.
WORTH group members in Liberia. The micro-financing business development program WORTH enabled these women to find alternative livelihoods rather than cut down their surrounding forests.
A drinking water system surrounded by the dense Liberian forests.
A WORTH group member who is learning to read and has developed a peanut and goat business through the program.
A car broken down near a massive but typical Cotton tree in Liberia.
Community members in a remote Liberian village gather to discuss their decision to adopt community forest status.
Children in a remote Liberian village.
Members of a WORTH group in Liberia.
Scene from the road in northern Liberia near the border with Guinea.