In early July, Brian J. Clark Productions headed to Port-au-Prince, Haiti for my second year at Camp Jacob.
A selection of images from Camp Jacob Haiti, 2014
Only a month earlier, I had resigned from The Virginian-Pilot, went to New York City to buy video and photography equipment at B&H. Soon after, my wife and I packed up all of our belongings and drove across the country for our move to Portland, Oregon. Whew!
My task at Camp Jacob was to document, through video and photography, the week long camp for disabled orphans from St. Vincent’s in Port-au-Prince. For four years now, the founder of Jacob’s Color Link Initiative, Tom Landry, has given these kids an opportunity (they rarely get) to leave the confines of their orphanage. They spend a week by the sea full of therapeutic activities designed with their disabilities in mind. It’s a week of incredible transformation for the dozens “campers” and the twenty “councilors” from all over the United States and Canada. I encourage you to learn more about Jacob’s Color Link Initiative. It is a marvelous program for some of the most vulnerable Haitians.
A tearful goodbye
Also, please like the Jacob's Color Link Initiative on Facebook here:
At Camp Jacob, I was able to field test several new pieces of equipment, including slide and steady-cams, a few new lenses and miscellaneous items. Everything seemed to work as planned, except for the unfortunate mistake of using my mono-pod in salt water. It was a silly move on my part. Luckily, I was able to repair it stateside.
Testing out a slider before the kids arrive
Look for the video in the next several weeks, but below is a sneak peak at some of the footage:
Next, Brian J. Clark Productions will head out to The Dominican Republic to document some of the amazing work being done by Physicians for Peace.
Thoughts, impressions? Please comment below, love to hear from you!
Brian J. Clark